Thursday, 10 May 2012

Know the Difference

The Art or method of exploring various security breaches is termed as Hacking.

  • Computer Hackers have been around for so many years. Since the Internet became widely used in the World, We have started to hear more and more about hacking.
  • Hackers are human like the rest of us and are, therefore, unique individuals, so an exact profile is hard to outline. The best broad description of Hackers is that all Hackers aren’t equal. Each Hacker has Motives, Methods and Skills. But some general characteristics can help you understand them. Not all Hackers are Antisocial and bad.
There is one big difference that everybody must understand before learning hacking in their life i.e, the difference between a Hacker and a Cracker.

Hacker vs. Cracker
Difference Between a Hacker and a Cracker:
  • There are many articles available about the difference between Hackers and crackers, which tries to correct our misconception about Hacking. For over a period of time, the media world has applied to word Hacker instead of Cracker. This made the public believe that the Hacker is a person who breaks into unauthorized computerized systems and steal data. This is not true and added shame to the moat talented Hackers.
Hacker :
     A Hacker is a person who exploits the weaknesses in a computer. They are mostly programmers and interested in the working of any computer OS. Hackers mostly have advanced knowledge of operating systems and programming languages and know various security holes within systems.
     Hackers keep learning about the systems, share their discovery and they will never have any intentions about damaging or stealing data.

Cracker :

     A Cracker is also a Hacker with malicious intentions of damaging or stealing data. They gain unauthorized access to destroy important data or cause problems to their target. 

Types of Hackers :
  • Coders
  • Admins
  •  Script kiddies
  • White Hat Hacker
  • Black Hat Hacker
  • Grey Hat Hacker
Ethical Hacking :    Ethical Hacking is testing for resources for a good cause and for the betterment of technology. Technically Ethical Hacking means penetration testing which is focused on securing and Protecting IT systems.

1 comment:

Hacking Tricks

Hacking tricks provides you the best of simple ethical hacking tricks. In this world of hackers lets learn a little about ethical hacking.